Qani Xiite - San Culture in Botswana

Qani Xiite describes and demonstrates the San Culture - the oldest inhabitants of Botswana. Qani uses music, dance and stories to describe her life.

Friday, April 21, 2006

Qani Xiite - demonstrating San Dance

Telling the story of San Culture

Qumco. xaxi. The richness of the San Culture is being explained in words, song and dance to tourists in Maun by Qani Xiite, of the Qungha tribe, who comes from Kacgae village near Ghanzi. Based at the Afro Trek Safari office at the Sedia Riverside Hotel, Qani – dressed traditionally in the way of the desert - is holding tourists enthralled as she speaks, and then performs San traditional dances before teaching them the intricate dance steps.

Hotel managing director Janet Maruza said a decision had been taken over several months to provide a more cultural aspect for visitors to Maun – “visitors are very impressed with this introduction to the culture of the San and Botswana.”

Qani Xiite Live

Qani and the Babouche Dancers entertain over 100 members of Tour d'Afrique, who are doing a 12,000km bike rise from Cairo to Cape Town. Along with the dancing, Qani also explained how to win the right to marry a San woman - going into the bush by yourself and killing a lion with a bow and arrow.

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