Qani Xiite - San Culture in Botswana

Qani Xiite describes and demonstrates the San Culture - the oldest inhabitants of Botswana. Qani uses music, dance and stories to describe her life.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Qani's Quotations - Part 1

1. The story that I heard from my father, who heard it from his father, is that we San came from the west. After the great God made them, they were in a good place in the west - the name of which my father never told me. But, soon after they were created, there were wars which forced my forefathers to leave that nice place of theirs and seek other places of rest. They wandered until they found this place and eventually I was born and found I was in the Kalahari Desert.

2. Our esteem for meat is so high that we place the hunter at the center of the system of practices and observances that regulate our little societies - in which all men are hunters. A man is defines by his hunting. A male who does not hunt remains a kid and may not marry, for how can he expect to take a wife if he cannot bring meat home for his family family and parents-in-laws. Where will he get skins with which to cloth his wife and kids?

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At 11:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post on takes from the Kalahari, in
Botswana Africa

At 10:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! I am so satisfied over finding a blog from your people, I have visited Botswana and D´Kar area once and some of your people have been visited us, in Saamiland, Norwegian part of it! I have added you on my blog-list. My blog is Only in Norwegian and in Saami, but I will make a english blog soon.


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